Sunday, October 2, 2011

A Fun Fall Weekend

Wow, this weather is amazing! It's so difficult to get the girls to come in at the end of the day, but I can't really blame them. We have enjoyed playing outside, swinging, riding bicycles, and having races in the backyard all weekend. Saturday evening, I took the girls to a camp out birthday party for their friends Cayden and Camryn. Cayden and Ellie were friends from daycare and are now at school together and Camryn and Sadie Kate have been best friends at school for "years now". Ellie and Sadie Kate were the only girls at the birthday party, but had a blast and fit right in with all of the rowdy boys. They roasted marshmallows, hot dogs, and even made smores for the first time. They also jumped on a trampoline for the first time as I watched anxiously (not a big fan of trampolines). I kept picturing them falling off and breaking an arm or leg or both. Boy, was I glad when they decided to go in and eat cupcakes!
Ellie slid first so Sadie Kate would go down...what a great sister!

Sadie Kate loves a good slide!

Camryn and Sadie Kate

Sadie Kate was helping Camryn take off his shoes.

Ellie-mid jump

Ellie was much more comfortable on the trampoline than Sadie Kate.

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