Monday, August 6, 2012

First Day-Take One

Well, today marked the "first" first day of school for the Mayos. Sadie Kate was over the moon to start her 4 year old class at school today. She had a great first day and even came home with a note from her teacher, Miss Lindsay. After a chaotic summer with very little structure, this was exactly what she needed. From the minute I picked her up, she has talked nonstop about rules, friends, trying your best, and standing in line quietly  (I am once again reminded what my students' parents must feel like with the "My teacher said..." comments). After dinner, she finished a coloring page/handwriting sheet that she brought from school, practiced writing her name, and even asked me if I would go ahead and let her take a shower "before it's late". Fingers crossed that this lasts more than a week!!

Sadie Kate- 3 years, 11.5 months

Sweet note from her teacher-it is rare,
so it warranted public documentation!

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